Awesome game ! And year...
I must admit I've found it in the NG Literature and I saw the low size so - what the hell, let's check it out !
And I must say I'm impresed !
I'm on NG till '03 and I never checked this stuff out, though, and now I am a bit sorry...
That was created in the 2001 year...
5/5 - What to say, Dan you rule !
5/5 - Kinnda Christmas style...
5/5 Nice, wrapped, embbeded music n SoundFX
5/5 - A lot of blood when I die...
5/5 - Very interactive. You do just some small parts with the keybord but still awesome !
1/5 - Serious...
Great game, yet addicting, but way to hard, like Dad 'n Me, Alien Hominid wasn't so hard...